Dr. Lira Has Been Featured In:

How to Stop a Panic Attack

The COVID-19 pandemic and now the post-pandemic return to 'normalcy' in some places, has contributed to a significant surge in stress and anxiety levels across the globe. One of the major byproducts of living with this severe…Read More

Demi Lovato Says She’s ‘California Sober.’ What Does That Mean?

In July 2018, singer Demi Lovato had a near-fatal overdose from heroin laced with fentanyl. During a recent interview on “CBS Sunday Morning,” Lovato said she’s now California Sober…Read More

Anxiety and Depression Since the Start of the Pandemic

When COVID-19 was first reported in the United States, many were optimistic that it would come and go quickly enough. But after a few weeks, reality set in and took a toll, not only on our physical selves but on our collective mental health as well…Read More

COVID-19 Survivor’s Guilt is Coming

“Guilt is something that we experience as an emotion and relates to us having a sense of self-blame, a sense of responsibility for regretted thought or action,” Ernesto Lira de la Rosa, a clinical psychologist at Columbia Health and part of Hope for Depression Research Foundation’s Media Advisory Group, says…Read More

Gender Affirming Hair Removal

For transgender and gender diverse individuals, gender-affirming procedures can be a huge step towards feeling comfortable in their own bodies. These medical undertakings can involve anything from chest reduction to silicone injections.…Read More

How to Create a Calming Workspace

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that working from home may not actually be as cool as we thought. Sure, working from your couch might be great for a few days, but for years on end? It's not for everyone. But by now you may have reached the end…Read More

Are You A Short Tempered Dad?

“This can entail an increase in aggressive thoughts, emotions, and physiological responses that leads someone to behave in an aggressive or angry manner,” Lira de la Rosa says. “The reaction is usually quick and can lead to people not recognizing their behavior and actions until after the anger subsides.”…Read More

What is Negging? How to Recognize Emotional Manipulation

Ever interacted with someone who seemed to be expressing interest in you...by making fun of you? This confusing behavior is known as negging, and oddly, it's often used as a form of flirting.…Read More

What is Birthday Depression?

Birthday depression, or the birthday blues, refers to feeling sad, apathetic, or disinterested in celebrating or thinking about your birthday. In addition to experiencing sadness, birthday depression can also include a sense of low energy or focusing on the past, including everything that you may or may not have accomplished so far…Read More

5 Ways to Support Your Newly Sober Partner

When someone you love and deeply care for is struggling with addiction, it can be immensely challenging. In fact, addiction is often seen as a family disorder because it never just affects the person struggling with the addiction…Read More

How to Make Friends When You Move to a New City

Moving to a new city can be a bittersweet experience. On one hand, it means that an exciting new adventure awaits for you; on the other, it also typically means that beloved friends and family are left behind. And, as exciting as discovering new restaurants, parks…Read More

This is The Golden Hour for Getting S**t Done

At a time when many people are still working from home, the lines between work and life have become blurred. Of course, living in a pandemic can make for some pretty notable worries, which have proven to be distracting at the least and crippling at the worst—and, in both cases, a hindrance to productivity.…Read More

Grief and Loss: Mourning Our Collective Losses

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many will be mourning the loss of loved ones and normalcy for years to come — a pain that will have an even greater impact on communities of color…Read More

Return to Work Anxiety? You’re Not Alone

As COVID vaccines become increasingly available, the work world is beginning to think about the future. Most of that thinking revolves around questions rather than definitive answers at this point. What will work look like in the coming months?...Read More

What is a Culturally Competent Therapist?

While mental health affects everyone regardless of culture, race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, people from racial and ethnic minority groups are less likely to receive mental health care…Read More

COVID-19 Survivor’s Guilt is Real

"Survivor's guilt is this emotional distress that can happen when we go through something difficult or traumatic, and we survive it, and maybe even leave that event unscathed,"..Read More

Therapists Ponder Bezos, Branson and Musk’s Race to Space

“There is the component of wanting to do something that requires exploration, pioneering, expanding and having access to things they may have an interest in ... that could be very personal,” Dr. Ernesto Lira de la Rosa, a clinical psychologist…Read More

Three Signs You Are Far Too Nice

To put this into perspective, think about a current or past coworker who never says no to more work. How did their peers perceive them? By their superiors?..Read More